John Deere 1705, 1715, 1725, 1735, 1755, 1765, 1775, 1785, 1795 Planter Frame Repair Service Manual (TM131319)

Price: US$ 39.00

Complete Repair Service Technical Manual for John Deere 1705, 1715, 1725, 1735, 1755, 1765, 1775, 1785, 1795 Planter Frame, with all the workshop information to maintain, repair, and rebuild like professional mechanics.

John Deere 1705, 1715, 1725, 1735, 1755, 1765, 1775, 1785, 1795 Planter Frame workshop technical manual (repair) includes:
* Numbered table of contents easy to use so that you can find the information you need fast.
* Detailed sub-steps expand on repair procedure information
* Numbered instructions guide you through every repair procedure step by step.
* Troubleshooting and electrical service procedures are combined with detailed wiring diagrams for ease of use.
* Notes, cautions and warnings throughout each chapter pinpoint critical information.
* Bold figure number help you quickly match illustrations with instructions.
* Detailed illustrations, drawings and photos guide you through every procedure.
* Enlarged inset helps you identify and examine parts in detail.

tm131319 - 1705 Series Planter Frame Repair Technical Manual Technical Manual.pdf
tm131319 - 1705 Series Planter Frame Repair Technical Manual Technical Manual.epub

Total Pages: 1,149 pages
File Format: PDF (bookmarked, ToC, Searchable, Printable, high quality)
Language: English

   General Information
      General Information
   Vacuum System
      Vacuum System
   Central Commodity System
      Seed Tanks and Manifolds
      Seed Delivery Hose
      Central Commodity System Fan
      Connector Repair
      Control Units
      Relays, Sensors, and Switches
      Lighting Repair
      Seed Drive Transmissions
      Half Width Disconnect
      Drill Shafts
      Variable Rate Drive
      Charging System Drive
   Hitch and Frame
      Repair and Welding
      Hitch Pads
      Wheel Module Repair
      Row Markers
      Loading Platform and Hitch
      Lift Assist
      General Information
      Valve Block
   Fertilizer and Pesticide Systems
      Liquid Fertilizer System
      Variable Rate Fertilizer
      Pesticide System
   Pneumatic Down Force
      General Information
      Pneumatic Down Force
      Active Pneumatic Down Force
      Polyethylene Tank Repair
   Dealer Fabricated Tools

TABLE OF CONTENTS................1
Section 10: General Information................18
  Group 05: Safety................18
    Recognize Safety Information................21
    Understand Signal Words................22
    Handle Fluids Safely—Avoid Fires................23
    Prevent Battery Explosions................24
    Handling Batteries Safely................25
    Prevent Acid Burns................27
    Prepare for Emergencies................29
    Avoid Harmful Asbestos Dust................30
    Practice Safe Maintenance................31
    Avoid High-Pressure Fluids................33
    Park Machine Safely................34
    Support Machine Properly................35
    Wear Protective Clothing................36
    Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely................37
    Work in Clean Area................39
    Service Machines Safely................40
    Work In Ventilated Area................41
    Illuminate Work Area Safely................42
    Replace Safety Signs................43
    Use Proper Lifting Equipment................44
    Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating................45
    Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines................46
    Service Accumulator Systems Safely................877
    Service Tires Safely................48
    Use Proper Tools................49
    Construct Dealer-Made Tools Safely................50
    Decommissioning — Proper Recycling and Disposal of Fluids and Components................51
    Live With Safety................52
    Servicing Electronic Control Units................53
    Welding Near Electronic Control Units................54
    Precautions for Welding................572
    Keep Electronic Control Unit Connectors Clean................57
  Group 10: Lubricants................19
    Multipurpose Grease................59
    Multipurpose Extreme Pressure (EP) Grease................60
    Gear Oil................61
    Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants................62
    Lubricant Storage................63
  Group 15: General Information................19
    Unauthorized Modifications................65
    Specifications—1705, 1705 Twin Row, 1715, and 1735................66
    Dimensions—1705, 1705 Twin Row, 1715, and 1735................69
    Specifications—1725, 1725NT, 1725C, 1725 CCS, and 1725 CCS Twin Row................70
    Dimensions—1725, 1725NT, 1725 CCS, and 1725 CCS Twin Row................74
    Specifications—1755 and 1785................75
    Dimensions—1755 and 1785................78
    Specifications—1765 and 1765NT................79
    Dimensions—1765 and 1765NT................81
    Specifications—1775NT 12 Row................82
    Dimensions—1775NT 12 Row................85
    Specifications—1775NT 16 Row................87
    Dimensions—1775NT 16 Row................90
    Specifications—1775NT 24 Row................92
    Dimensions—1775NT 24 Row................95
    Sealants and Adhesives Cross-Reference Chart................105
    Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values................107
    Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values................109
    Face Seal Fittings Assembly and Installation—All Pressure Applications................111
    Metric Face Seal Fitting Torque Chart—Standard Pressure Applications................112
    SAE Face Seal Fitting Torque Chart—Standard Pressure Applications................114
    External Hexagon Port Plug Torque Chart................116
Section 20: Vacuum System................118
  Group 05: Vacuum System................118
    Adjust Vacuum Gauge................121
    Vacuum Manifold Blower System................122
    Vacuum Manifold System Exploded View................123
    Vacuum Manifold System Exploded View—With Dust Suppression System................124
    Inspect and Adjust Vacuum Coupler Bell—1795................125
    Clean Vacuum Manifold System................127
    Repair Vacuum Monitoring Assembly —Two Vacuum Gauges................128
    Repair Vacuum Monitoring Assembly with SeedStar™................130
    Remove and Install Vacuum Blower Assembly—Style A................132
    Disassemble and Assemble Vacuum Blower Assembly—Style A................134
    Remove and Install Vacuum Blower Assembly—Style B................139
    Disassemble and Assemble Vacuum Blower Assembly—Style B................140
Section 30: Central Commodity System................144
  Group 05: Seed Tanks and Manifolds................144
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Seed Tanks................148
    Remove and Install Refuge Plus Third Tank................152
    Tank Repair................906
    Seal Central Commodity System Tanks To Prevent Water Leakage................156
    Remove and Install Seed Agitator Motor Assembly................159
    Remove and Install Seed Delivery Manifold Seal................162
    Remove and Install Seed Delivery Manifold Nozzle................171
    Repair Central Commodity System Seed Tank Manifold................177
    Remove and Install Seed Tank Lid Ring and Seal................179
  Group 10: Seed Delivery Hose................144
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Seed Delivery Hose................187
    Repair Seed Delivery Hose................188
  Group 15: Central Commodity System Fan................144
    Remove and Install Central Commodity System Blower Fan................192
    Repair Central Commodity System Blower Fan Assembly................196
Section 40: Electrical................200
  Group 05: Connector Repair................200
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Other Material................1103
    Installation of Repair Wire Assembly (RWA)................213
    Use Electrical Insulating Compound................222
    Using High-Pressure Washers................223
    Connector Information................224
    Repair Procedure R-A................225
    Repair Procedure R-B................230
    Repair Procedure R-C................235
    Repair Procedure R-D................240
    Repair Procedure R-E................243
    Repair Procedure R-F................247
    Repair Procedure R-G................251
    Repair Procedure R-I................254
    Repair Procedure R-J................257
    Repair Procedure R-K................262
    Repair Procedure R-M................265
    Repair Procedure R-N................269
    Repair Procedure R-T................273
    Repair Procedure R-AA................274
    Repair Procedure R-AE................275
    Replace Fold-Unfold Circuit Diode................279
    Remove and Install Frame Control Harness................281
  Group 10: Control Units................200
    Remove and Install Electronic Power Generation (EPG) Control Unit................293
    Remove and Install Modular Telematics Gateway (MTG) Control Unit................294
    Remove and Install Planter Main Controller (PMC)................295
    Remove and Install Wireless Data Server (WDS) Control Unit................296
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ Main Control Unit................297
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ Flow Detection Module................298
    Update Control Units Using Service Advisor™................299
    Programming Control Units................302
  Group 15: Relays, Sensors, and Switches................201
    Other Material................1103
    Repair Planter Control Box................308
    Replace Marker Switch................315
    Replace Marker Winglet Switch................316
    Adjust Marker Winglet Switch................317
    Replace Fold Control Switch—Style A................319
    Replace Fold Control Switch—Style B................320
    Replace Central Commodity System Push Button Shut-Off Switch................321
    Replace Central Commodity System Cleanout Switch................322
    Remove and Install Rockshaft Sensor—Style A................323
    Remove and Install Rockshaft Sensor—Style B................326
    Remove and Install Central Commodity System Loading Platform Light Switch................327
    Replace Pneumatic Downforce Compressor Pressure Switch................328
    Remove and Install Height Sensor................329
    Remove and Install Seed Level Sensor................330
    Remove and Install Wheel Speed Sensor (Style A)................332
    Remove and Install Wheel Speed Sensor (Style B)................334
    Remove and Install Hopper Level Sensor................335
    Remove and Install Liquid Fertilizer Sensor................336
    Remove and Install Pneumatic Downforce Pressure Sensor................337
    Remove and Install Active Pneumatic Downforce Pressure Sensor................338
    Remove and Install Active Pneumatic Downforce Pressure Switch................339
    Remove and Install Variable Rate Fertilizer Pump Speed Sensor................340
    Remove Variable Rate Fertilizer Cam Position Sensor................341
    Install Variable Rate Fertilizer Cam Position Sensor................342
    Remove and Install Variable Rate Drive Motor Speed Sensor................344
    Remove and Install Lift Assist Steering Position Sensor................345
    Remove and Install Generator Speed Sensor—Style A................346
    Remove and Install Generator Speed Sensor—Style B................347
    Remove and Install Generator Current Sensor................348
    Remove and Install Generator Motor Pressure Sensor................349
    Remove and Install ExactEmerge Fuse Box................350
    Remove and Install Battery Fuse................351
    Remove and Install Temperature Sensor—Tractor Power Generation................354
    Remove and Install Frame Weight Distribution Switch................355
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ System Pressure Sensor................356
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ Nozzle Pressure Sensor................357
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ Pump Speed Sensor................358
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ Flowmeter................359
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ Keypad................360
    Relay Identification................361
  Group 20: Lighting Repair................202
    Repair Red Warning Lamp................366
    Repair Amber Warning Lamp................368
    Repair Red Warning Lamp—CCS................370
    Repair Amber Warning Lamp—CCS................371
    Red and Amber Warning Lamps—1705 Twin Row................372
    Red and Amber Warning Lamps—1725 CCS................373
  Group 25: Batteries................202
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Prevent Damage to Electrical Systems................377
    Remove and Install Control Unit Battery................378
    Remove and Install ExactEmerge Batteries................380
    Charging Batteries................385
    Connecting Battery Cables................387
  Group 30: Generator................202
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Generator................392
    Remove and Install Generator—Tractor Power Generation................394
    Remove and Install Generator Splined Coupler—Tractor Power Generation................397
  Group 35: Miscellaneous................202
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ DC to DC Inverter................399
    Calibrate ExactRate™ Nozzle Pressure Sensor................400
    Calibrate ExactRate™ Flowmeter................406
    Calibrate ExactRate™ System Pressure Sensor................409
    Calibrate ExactRate™ Solution Pump................413
Section 50: Drives................417
  Group 05: Specifications................1104
    Drive Chain Specifications................1104
    Shear Pin Specifications................1104
    Sprocket Specifications................1104
    Spur Gear Specifications................1104
  Group 10: Seed Drive Transmissions................417
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1705, 1715, 1725 and 1755................437
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1705 Twin Row................439
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1705 Twin Row with Variable Rate Drive................554
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1735................443
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1765................446
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1775NT................448
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1775NT 24 Row................452
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1785................454
    Seed Drive Transmission Exploded View—1795................456
    Remove and Install Seed Drive Transmission—1775NT................458
    Remove and Install Seed Drive Transmission—1775NT 24 Row................464
    Remove and Install Seed Drive Transmission—1795................466
    Adjust Seed Drive Transmission—1775NT................467
    Adjust Contact Link—1775NT 24 Row................468
    Adjust Contact Link—1795................470
    Check and Adjust Transmission Spur Gear Backlash................471
    Disassemble and Assemble Tire Contact Seed Transmission................473
    Disassemble and Assemble Ground Driven Seed Transmission................496
  Group 15: Half Width Disconnect................417
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Half Width Disconnect Clutch................502
    Disassemble and Assemble Half Width Disconnect Clutch................504
  Group 20: Drill Shafts................417
    Remove and Install Outer Wing Drill Shaft................521
    Remove and Install Inner Wing Drill Shaft................523
    Remove and Install Center Frame Drill Shaft................525
    Remove and Install Upper Jackshaft................527
    Remove and Install Lower Jackshaft................529
    Align Drill Shaft Coupler and Flex Shaft................531
    Align Drill Shaft Couplers—1795 38 cm (15 in.) Row................535
    Align Drill Shaft Couplers—1795 51 cm (20 in.) Row................538
    Sprocket Location Drawings—1775NT................541
    Sprocket Location Drawings—1795................544
  Group 25: Variable Rate Drive................554
    Variable Rate Drive................554
  Group 30: Charging System Drive................418
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Generator Belt................558
    Remove and Install Generator Belt Tensioner................560
    Disassemble and Assemble Generator Gearbox—Tractor Power Generation................561
    Remove and Install Generator Gearbox Check Valve—Tractor Power Generation................564
    Check Generator Gearbox Oil Level—Tractor Power Generation................566
Section 60: Hitch and Frame................567
  Group 05: Repair and Welding................572
    Frame Repair................571
    Emergency Crack Repair................573
    Emergency “T” Joint Repair................574
    Skip Welding................575
    Stress Relief (Normalizing)................576
  Group 10: Hitch Pads................567
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Hitch Pads—1775NT................580
    Remove and Install Hitch Pads—1795................586
  Group 15: Wheel Module Repair................567
    Other Material................1103
    Center Frame Wheel Module Exploded View—1705, 1715, 1725, and 1735................594
    Center Frame Wheel Module Exploded View—1755................596
    Drive Wheel Hub Exploded View—1705, 1715, 1725, and 1735................597
    Center Frame Wheel Module Exploded View—1775NT................599
    Wing Wheel Module Exploded View—1775NT................601
    Remove and Install Center Frame Wheel Assembly—1775NT................603
    Remove and Install Wing Wheel Assembly—1775NT................606
    Center Frame Wheel Module Exploded View—1795................609
    Wing Wheel Module Exploded View—1795................611
    Remove and Install Center Frame Wheel Assembly—1795................613
    Remove and Install Wing Wheel Assembly—1795................616
    Axle and Hub Assembly (8-Bolt)................619
    Axle and Hub Assembly (6-Bolt)................621
    Adjust Tire Scraper................623
  Group 20: Row Markers................567
    Remove and Install Row Marker................626
    Remove and Install Row Marker—1775NT 24 Row (Style A)................631
    Remove and Install Row Marker—1775NT 24 Row (Style B)................633
    Disassemble and Assemble Row Marker Disk and Arms—1725NT................637
    Disassemble and Assemble Row Marker Disk and Arms................640
    Disassemble and Assemble Row Marker Pivot................642
    Disassemble and Assemble Row Marker Disk and Arms—1775NT 24 Row (Style A)................644
    Disassemble and Assemble Row Marker Disk and Arms—1775NT 24 Row (Style B)................646
    Replace Marker Breakaway Bolt................649
    Replace Marker Breakaway Bolt—1775NT 24 Row (Style A)................651
    Replace Marker Breakaway Bolt—1775NT 24 Row (Style B)................652
    Replace Marker Breakaway Bolt—1725NT................653
    Adjust Marker Length................654
    Adjust Marker Length—1795................656
    Adjust Marker Disk................658
    Adjust Marker Cable—1775NT 24 Row................659
  Group 25: Loading Platform and Hitch................568
    Remove and Install Loading Platform Steps—1775NT................664
    Remove and Install Tow-Behind Hitch—1795................668
    Remove and Install Loading Platform—1795................670
    Remove and Install Loading Platform with Hitch—1795 24R20................672
    Remove and Install Loading Platform without Hitch—1795 24R20................674
  Group 30: Rockshafts................568
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Rockshaft................679
    Shim Rockshaft................686
  Group 35: Lift Assist................568
    Other Material................1103
    Lift Assist—8 and 12 Row Planters................692
    Lift Assist—16 Row Planter................694
    Disassemble and Assemble Lift Assist Wheel Tail Yoke—1725 CCS................696
    Disassemble and Assemble Lift Assist Wheel Tail Yoke—1725 CCS Twin Row................701
    Remove and Install Lift Assist Steering Cylinder Yoke................708
    Remove and Install Lift Assist Steering Cylinder Bracket................709
    Remove and Install Lift Assist Wheel Offset Frame — 1725 CCS Twin Row................711
    Lift Assist Exploded View—1735 (9, 11, 13 and 15 Row)................717
    Disassemble and Assemble Lift Assist Wheels—1725 CCS and 1725 CCS Twin Row................720
    Disassemble and Assemble Stack Fold Frame Lift—1705 and 1725................722
Section 70: Hydraulics................724
  Group 00: General Information................724
    Relieve Hydraulic System Pressure................728
    Replacing Hydraulic Hoses................729
  Group 05: Motors................724
    Other Material................1103
    Inspect Vacuum Blower Motor................734
    Repair Vacuum Blower Motor................735
    Inspect Central Commodity System Blower Motor................741
    Remove and Install Central Commodity System Blower Motor................743
    Repair Central Commodity System Blower Motor................749
    Repair Air Compressor Drive Motor................755
    Remove and Install Generator Motor................765
  Group 10: Cylinders................724
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Remove and Install Main Frame Wheel Cylinder................770
    Remove and Install Main Frame Wheel Cylinder—1775NT 24 Row................773
    Remove and Install Frame Weight Distribution Cylinders—1775NT 24 Row................776
    Remove and Install Wing Downforce Cylinders—1725 CCS ExactEmerge™................779
    Remove and Install Wing Wheel Cylinder................781
    Remove and Install Wing Fold Cylinder................783
    Remove and Install Marker Cylinder................785
    Remove and Install Marker Cylinder—1725NT................788
    Remove and Install Marker Cylinders—1775NT 24 Row (Style A)................790
    Remove and Install Marker Cylinders—1775NT 24 Row (Style B)................794
    Remove and Install Rockshaft Cylinder—1795................798
    Remove and Install Main Frame Lift Cylinders— 1705 and 1725................800
    Remove and Install Master Cylinder................802
    Disassemble and Assemble Master Cylinder................805
    John Deere Hydraulic Cylinder Repair—Use CTM................823
  Group 15: Valve Block................725
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Valve and Port Locations—1775NT 12 Row................826
    Valve and Port Locations—1775NT 16 Row................829
    Valve and Port Locations—1775NT 24 Row (Style A)................832
    Valve and Port Locations—1775NT 24 Row (Style B)................835
    Valve and Port Locations—1795................838
    Valve and Port Locations—1725................841
    Adjust Wing Downforce—1725 CCS ExactEmerge™................843
    Drawbar Hitch Valve Block Exploded View (if equipped)—1775NT................845
    Wing Valve Block—1775NT 24 Row................846
    Remove and Install Frame Weight Distribution Valve Block—1775NT 24 Row................848
    Disassemble and Assemble Frame Weight Distribution Valve Block—1775NT 24 Row................849
  Group 20: Valves................725
    Remove and Install Solenoid Valves................853
    Inspect Solenoid Valve Body................855
    Remove and Install Cartridge Valves................856
    Remove and Install Rockshaft Solenoid Valve Assembly................857
    Repair Rockshaft Valve Assembly................858
    Remove and Install Rephasing Valve Assembly................859
    Repair Rephasing Valve Assembly—1775NT................861
    Repair Rephasing Valve Assembly—1795................864
    Flush Power Generation Motor Valve................865
    Remove and Install Power Generation Motor Valve................867
    Flow Control Valve................869
  Group 25: Miscellaneous................725
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Remove and Install Hydraulic Oil Cooler................874
    Remove and Install Hydraulic Oil Filter Assembly................876
    Service Accumulator Systems Safely................877
    Remove and Install Air Compressor Motor Accumulator................878
    Remove and Install Frame Weight Distribution Accumulator................879
    Charge Frame Weight Distribution Accumulator................880
    Accumulator Pre-Charge Pressure Correction for Ambient Air Temperature................882
Section 80: Fertilizer and Pesticide Systems................883
  Group 05: Liquid Fertilizer System................883
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Other Material................1103
    Flush Liquid Fertilizer System................891
    Remove and Install Fertilizer Tank................893
    Replace Fertilizer Tank Fitting................895
    Tank Repair................906
    Tighten Liquid Fertilizer Hose Clamps................907
    Adjust Pump Number Setting................908
    Fertilizer Pump Drive Assembly................909
    Adjust Fertilizer Drive Contact Link................912
    Fertilizer Pump Exploded View................913
    Remove and Install Fertilizer Pump................915
    Fertilizer Pump Repair................917
    Priming and Initial Start Up of Pump................931
    Fertilizer Pump Lubrication................932
    Remove and Install Fertilizer Flow Divider................933
    Disassemble and Assemble Fertilizer Flow Divider................934
    Remove and Install Liquid Fertilizer Block Manifold................936
    Repair Liquid Fertilizer Block Manifold................939
    Remove and Install Liquid Fertilizer In-Line Orifice................941
    Remove and Install Liquid Fertilizer Coupler................943
    Remove and Install Liquid Fertilizer Check Valve................945
    Remove and Install Liquid Fertilizer Delivery Tube................947
    Frame Mounted Single-Disk Fertilizer Opener................952
    Remove and Install Fertilizer Opener Disk Seals and Bearing—1795 24R20................958
    Frame Mounted Single-Disk Fertilizer Opener—1795 24R20................960
    Repair Double Disk Fertilizer Opener................964
    Unit Mounted Double-Disk Fertilizer Opener................967
  Group 10: Variable Rate Fertilizer................883
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Variable Rate Fertilizer Pump................972
    Variable Rate Fertilizer Pump Exploded View................974
    Variable Rate Fertilizer Pump Repair................976
    Replace Variable Rate Drive Pump Crankcase Seal................990
  Group 15: Pesticide System................884
    Other Material................1103
    Pesticide Tanks—General Information................997
    Remove and Install Pesticide Tank— Wing Mounted................998
    Remove and Install Pesticide Tank—Hitch Mounted................1001
    Remove and Install Pesticide Tank Shut-Off Valve— 265 L (70 gal.) Tank................1004
    Repair Pesticide Tanks— 265 L (70 gal.) Tank................1006
    Repair Pesticide Tank— 852 L (225 gal.) Tank................1009
    Repair Pesticide Tank—1136 L (300 gal.) Tank................1011
    Repair Pesticide Tank—1703 L (450 gal.) Tank................1013
  Group 20: Dry Fertilizer................884
    Other Material................1103
    Disassemble and Assemble Dry Fertilizer Distribution Tower................1018
    Disassemble and Assemble Dry Fertilizer Single Disk Opener................1020
  Group 25: ExactRate™ Liquid Fertilizer System................884
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Other Material................1103
    Clean ExactRate™ Liquid Fertilizer System Components................1028
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ Solution Pump Assembly................1029
    Disassemble and Assemble ExactRate™ Solution Pump Assembly................1031
    Disassemble and Assemble ExactRate™ Solution Pump................1034
    Disassemble and Assemble ExactRate™ Shutoff Valve................1036
    Disassemble and Assemble ExactRate™ Tube Assembly................1038
    Remove and Install ExactRate™ Nozzle Assembly................1040
    Disassemble and Assemble ExactRate™ Nozzle Assembly................1043
    Disassemble and Assemble ExactRate™ Nozzle Solenoid Assembly................1045
    Frame Mounted ExactRate™ Single-Disk Opener................1050
    Prime and Start the ExactRate™ Solution Pump................1056
Section 90: Pneumatic Downforce................1059
  Group 00: General Information................1059
    Depressurize Pneumatic Downforce System................1063
    Adjust and Inspect Pneumatic Downforce................1066
  Group 05: Pneumatic Downforce................1059
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Other Material................1103
    Install Pneumatic Downforce Air Pressure Gauges................1073
    Remove and Install Pneumatic Downforce Control Valve................1075
    Disassemble and Assemble Pneumatic Downforce Control Valve................1078
    Remove and Install Pneumatic Downforce Control Valve Poppet................1080
    Remove and Install Pneumatic Downforce Air Reservoir................1091
    Pneumatic Downforce Air Compressor—Exploded View................1092
    Cab-Mounted Pneumatic Downforce Air Compressor—Exploded View................1094
    Remove and Install Pneumatic Downforce Air Compressor................1096
    Remove and Install Air Compressor Filter................1099
    Remove and Install Air Compressor Isolators................1101
  Group 10: Active Pneumatic Downforce................1059
    Other Material................1103
    Remove and Install Hydraulically Driven Air Compressor Filter................1105
    Remove and Install Hydraulically Driven Air Compressor................1107
    Disassemble and Assemble Hydraulically Driven Air Compressor................1111
    Remove and Install Active Pneumatic Downforce Air Reservoir................1119
    Remove and Install Pneumatic Downforce Control Manifold (S.N. 765101—XXXXXX)................1120
    Disassemble and Assemble Pneumatic Downforce Control Manifold (S.N. 765101—XXXXXX)................1121
    Disassemble and Assemble Pneumatic Downforce Manifold Segment (S.N. 765101—XXXXXX)................1124
    Remove and Install Pneumatic Downforce In-Line Orifice................1127
    Pneumatic Downforce In-Line Orifice Identification and Location................1128
Section 100: Miscellaneous................1131
  Group 05: Polyethylene Tank Repair................906
    Essential or Recommended Tools................1133
    Repair Polyethylene Plastic................1134
    Install RIVNUT® Threaded Inserts................1140
Section 199: Dealer Fabricated Tools................1143
  Group 05: Dealer Fabricated Tools................1143
    DFAXT1—Set Screw Wrench................1145
    DFHX1709A—Master Cylinder Assembly Fixture................1146

John Deere 1705, 1715, 1725, 1735, 1755, 1765, 1775, 1785, 1795 Planter Frame Repair Service Manual (TM131319)
