How to Place an Order?

Simply click the Add to Cart button to check out, then leave your e-Mail for delivery. You do not need to create an account to purchase a manual.

If the manual you need is not listing on this website, please contact us.


How to Download?

Download link will be dispatched to you via system email instantly (or within 12 hours for very rare items) after payment. Please save your manual with that link. If the email hasn’t shown up within 12 hours, please check your spam inbox or contact us.

Please do wait for a little while, before complaining to the payment company; or your order will be cancelled without download.

Once the download link was delivered, there will be no refund for reasons like "I purchased from another seller". Thanks for your understanding!


Which Format Are the Manuals In and Can I use the manual permanetly or for a limited time?

No physical copy/CD-ROM will be sent to you. The downloadable manuals are in digital form, mostly in cross-platform PDF format. And you can use the manual anytime / anywhere without any restriction.


How Do You Handle My Payments?

All credit/debit card payments are handled by Stripe. We do not store or have access to your card details as they are transmitted securely to the payment processor’s servers over encrypted SSL.

If you have any questions or concerns about payment, or would prefer other methods, please do not hesitate to contact us.


What's Your Sales Policy?

For more information, please refer to Terms & Conditions.


Web Design!?

Sorry for the amateur feel of this website. If you can ignore the appearance, however, the website itself is stable & functional.

