John Deere DF180 Series Powershift Transmission Repair Service Manual (CTM308)

Price: US$ 39.00

Complete service repair manual with Electrical Wiring Diagrams for John Deere DF180 Series Powershift Transmission, with all the technical information to maintain, diagnose, repair, and rebuild like professional mechanics.

John Deere DF180 Series Powershift Transmission workshop service repair manual includes:
* Numbered table of contents easy to use so that you can find the information you need fast.
* Detailed sub-steps expand on repair procedure information
* Numbered instructions guide you through every repair procedure step by step.
* Troubleshooting and electrical service procedures are combined with detailed wiring diagrams for ease of use.
* Notes, cautions and warnings throughout each chapter pinpoint critical information.
* Bold figure number help you quickly match illustrations with instructions.
* Detailed illustrations, drawings and photos guide you through every procedure.
* Enlarged inset helps you identify and examine parts in detail.

ctm308 - John Deere DF180 Series Powershift Transmission Repair Manual  (Worldwide Edition) Component Technical Manual.pdf


ctm595 - Manual de reparación de la servotransmisión serie DF180 -: (Edición mundial)

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ctm308 - DF180 Series Powershift Transmission Repair Manual -: (Worldwide Edition)

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Published on 2019/06/11

Total Pages: 1,041 pages
File Format: PDF (Internal Links, Bookmarked, Table of Contents, Searchable, Printable, high quality)
Language: English etc

TABLE OF CONTENTS................1
Section 01: General Information................17
  Group 005: Safety................17
    Recognize Safety Information................20
    Handle Fluids Safely—Avoid Fires................21
    Prevent Battery Explosions................22
    Prepare for Emergencies................23
    Prevent Acid Burns................24
    Handle Chemical Products Safely................26
    Avoid High-Pressure Fluids................27
    Park Machine Safely................28
    Support Machine Properly................29
    Wear Protective Clothing................30
    Work in Clean Area................31
    Service Machines Safely................32
    Work In Ventilated Area................33
    Illuminate Work Area Safely................34
    Replace Safety Signs................35
    Use Proper Lifting Equipment................36
    Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines................37
    Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating................38
    Use Proper Tools................39
    Construct Dealer-Made Tools Safely................40
    Decommissioning — Proper Recycling and Disposal of Fluids and Components................41
    Live With Safety................42
  Group 015: Transmission Identifications and General Procedures................17
    Remote Mount Direct Drive Transmission Configuration................44
    Remote Mount Converter Drive Transmission Configuration................45
    Engine Mount Direct Drive Transmission Configuration................46
    Transmission Specifications................47
    Identification Plate................49
    General Repair Procedures................50
    Sealing Instructions................52
    Anaerobic Sealant................53
    Cold Weather Operation................54
    Oil Temperature Warning Signal................55
    Recommended Lubricants................56
    Lubricant Storage................57
    Mixing of Lubricants................58
    Oil Analysis................59
    Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants................60
    Check and Service Transmission Regularly................61
    Intervals For Changing Transmission Oil And Filters................62
    Drain Transmission Oil................63
    Fill The Transmission With Oil................64
    Check Oil Lines and Fittings................65
    Hydraulic Connections................66
    Transmission Storage................67
    Transmission Removal From Storage................68
    Towing The Vehicle................69
Section 02: Repair and Adjustments - Transmission................70
  Group 017: G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................70
    Transmission Identification and Links — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................81
    Repair Stand — Install and Remove — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................83
    Driven Hub Yoke and Seal — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................84
    Front and Rear Housing — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................125
    Suction Screen Oil Line — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................87
    Oil Pump — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................90
    Oil Pump — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................91
    Speed Sensors — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................94
    Hydraulic Tubes, Sensors, and Valve — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................97
    Park Brake — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................112
    Control Valve — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................114
    Cap Screw — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................115
    Front and Rear Housing — Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................116
    Front Housing — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................123
    Rear Housing — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................125
    Gears Bearing and Shafts — Identification — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................127
    Gear Ratio Group — Remove — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................128
    Gear Ratio Group — Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................131
    First Stage Shaft — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................134
    Second Stage Shaft Assembly (Directional Clutch) — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................135
    Third Stage Shaft Assembly (Directional Clutch) — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................138
    Fourth Stage Shaft Assembly (Speed Clutch) — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................141
    Fifth Stage Shaft Assembly (Speed Clutch) — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................144
    Sixth Stage Shaft Assembly — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................147
    Output Shaft Assembly — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................148
    Adjustments — G Series Grader (S.N. 624392—678817)................149
  Group 018: G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................70
    Transmission Identification and Links — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................151
    Repair Stand — Install and Remove — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................152
    Driven Hub Yoke and Seal — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................153
    Front and Rear Housing — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................198
    Suction Screen Oil Line — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................156
    Oil Pump — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................159
    Oil Pump — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................160
    Sixth Stage Lube Line — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................163
    Speed Sensors — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................166
    Park Brake Supply Line — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................168
    Park Brake Pressure Sensor — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................170
    Park Brake Valve — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................172
    Park Brake Check Valve — Remove and Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................174
    Park Brake — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................175
    Park Brake — Assemble — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................177
    Park Brake — Disassemble — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................183
    Control Valve — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................188
    Front and Rear Housing — Assemble — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................189
    Front Housing — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................196
    Rear Housing — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................198
    Gears Bearing and Shafts — Identification — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................199
    Gear Ratio Group — Remove — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................200
    Gear Ratio Group — Install — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................203
    First Stage Shaft — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................206
    Second Stage Shaft (Directional Clutch) — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................207
    Third Stage Shaft (Directional Clutch) — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................210
    Fourth Stage Shaft (Speed Clutch) — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................213
    Fifth Stage Shaft (Speed Clutch) — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................215
    Sixth Stage Shaft Assembly — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................218
    Output Shaft Assembly — Exploded View — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................219
    Adjustments — G Series Grader (S.N. 678818— )................220
  Group 019: H Series Remote Mount Transmission................71
    Transmission Identification and Links — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................222
    Repair Stand — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................223
    Input Yoke Group — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................224
    Remove and Install the DF180 Skidder Suction Tube Oil Line — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................226
    Charge Pump, Idler, and Drive Gear Assembly — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................230
    Speed Sensors — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................238
    Main Housing Group — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................240
    Park Brake — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................244
    Control Valve — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................246
    Winch Drive — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................248
    Gear Ratio Group — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................250
    First Stage Shaft Assembly — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................262
    Second Stage Clutch Assembly — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................263
    Third Stage Clutch Assembly — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................266
    Fourth Stage Clutch Assembly — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................269
    Fifth Stage Clutch Assembly — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................272
    Sixth Stage Shaft Assembly — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................275
    Seventh Stage Shaft Assembly — H Series Remote Mount Transmission................276
  Group 020: Repair Procedures and Repair Stand................72
    Transmission Repair Procedures................279
    Transmission Lifting and Mounting on Repair Stand................281
    Repair Stand Mounting — Remote Mount................284
    Repair Stand Mounting — Engine Mount................287
  Group 025: Winch Drive — Remote Mount................72
    Winch Drive with 5C Yoke — Remote Mount................291
    Winch Drive with Universal Joint Yoke — Remote Mount................293
    Winch Drive without Gears — Remote Mount................295
    Remove Winch Drive — Remote Mount................296
    Install Winch Drive — Remote Mount................299
  Group 030: Park Brake................72
    Park Brake — Remote Mount Transmission................304
    Park Brake — Engine Mount Transmission................305
    Park Brake — Remove................307
    Park Brake — Install................313
  Group 035: Output Seals................73
    Output Seals (Brake Side) — Remove and Install — Remote Mount Transmission................324
    Output Seals (Opposite Brake Side) — Remove and Install — Remote Mount Transmission................328
    Output Oil Seal and Yoke — Remove and Install — Engine Mount Transmission................331
  Group 040: Suction Tube................73
    Suction Tube — Remove and Install................340
    Suction Screen Tube — Remove and Install — Torque Converter Drive................345
  Group 045: Charge Pump and Idler Gears/Shaft — Remote Mount................73
    Charge Pump and Auxiliary Pump Drive Train — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive................348
    Charge Pump and Auxiliary Pump Gear Train — Cross-Section — Remote Mount Direct Drive................349
    Charge Pump — Remove and Install — Remote Mount Direct Drive................351
    Charge and Auxiliary Pump Gear Train — Remove and Install — Remote Mount Direct Drive................355
    Pump Pad Covers and Idler Shaft — Exploded View — Remote Mount Converter Drive................361
    Cover Plates to Front Housing — Remove and Install — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive................362
    Idler Shaft — Remove and Install — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive................365
  Group 050: Charge Pump and Idler Gears/Shaft — Engine Mount................73
    Charge Pump — Exploded View — Engine Mount................370
    Charge Pump — Remove and Install — Engine Mount................371
    Charge Pump Drive Idler Gears, Bearings, and Shafts — Exploded View — Engine Mount................375
    Charge Pump Drive — Cross-Section — Engine Mount................376
    Charge Pump Output Gear — Remove and Disassemble — Engine Mount................377
    Charge Pump Output Gear — Assemble and Install — Engine Mount................379
    Charge Pump Idler Gear and Shaft — Remove and Disassemble — Engine Mount................381
    Charge Pump Idler Gear and Shaft — Assemble and Install — Engine Mount................384
    Auxiliary Pump Drive Idler Shaft — Exploded View — Engine Mount................387
    Auxiliary Pump Drive Idler Gears, Bearings, and Shafts — Exploded View — Engine Mount................388
    Auxiliary Pump Drive — Cross-Section — Engine Mount................389
    Auxiliary Pump Output Gear — Remove and Disassemble — Engine Mount................391
    Auxiliary Pump Output Gear — Assemble and Install — Engine Mount................394
    Auxiliary Pump Idler Shaft and Gear — Remove and Disassemble — Engine Mount................397
    Auxiliary Pump Idler Gear and Shaft — Assemble and Install — Engine Mount................400
  Group 055: Control Valve................73
    Control Valve — Exploded View — Direct Drive Transmission (8F - 8R)................405
    Control Valve — Exploded View — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive (6F - 6R)................406
    Control Valve — Exploded View — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive (6F - 3R)................407
    Control Valve — Exploded View — Remote Mount Lockup Torque Converter Drive (6F - 3R)................408
    Transmission Control Valve — Remove................409
    Transmission Control Valve — Install................411
    Proportional Solenoid Valve — Remove and Install................416
    Cooler Relief Valve — Remove and Install................420
    Main Pressure Regulator Valve — Remove and Install................422
    Proportional Solenoid Plug — Remove and Install................424
    Temperature Sensor — Remove and Install................426
    Clutch Pressure Check Port Plug — Remove and Install................428
  Group 060: Input Yoke — Remote Mount Transmission................74
    Input Yoke Group — Exploded View — Remote Mount Transmission................430
    Input Yoke — Remove and Install — Remote Mount Transmission................431
  Group 065: Input Drive Hub — Engine Mount Transmission................74
    Input Drive Hub — Exploded View — Engine Mount Transmission................435
    Drive Hub — Remove — Engine Mount Transmission................436
    Drive Hub — Install — Engine Mount Transmission................437
  Group 070: Front and Rear Housing and Clutch Group................74
    Front and Rear Housing Cap Screws — Exploded View — Remote Mount................440
    Front and Rear Housing — Disassemble — Remote Mount................441
    Sixth Stage Lube Line — Exploded View — Engine Mount................443
    Sixth Stage Lube Line — Remove and Install................444
    Front and Rear Housing Cap Screws — Exploded View — Engine Mount................446
    Front and Rear Housing — Disassemble — Engine Mount................447
    Front Housing Screen and Plugs — Exploded View................451
    Front Housing Screen — Remove and Install — Engine Mount................452
    Front Housing Plugs — Remove and Install................453
    Gear Ratio Group — Identification — Engine Mount Direct Drive (8F - 8R)................454
    Gear Ratio Group — Identification — Remote Mount Direct Drive (8F - 8R)................455
    Gear Ratio Group — Identification — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive (6F - 6R)................456
    Gear Ratio Group — Identification — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive (6F - 3R)................457
    Gear Ratio Group — Remove — Remote Mount................458
    Gear Ratio Group — Remove — Engine Mount................462
    Gear Ratio Group — Install — Remote Mount................466
    Gear Ratio Group — Install — Engine Mount................472
    Seal Rings — Install................476
    Front and Rear Housing — Assemble — Remote Mount................477
    Front and Rear Housing — Assemble — Engine Mount................482
    Housing Cap Screw — Tightening Sequence — Engine Mount................486
    Sixth Stage Bearing Retainer — Remove — Engine Mount................487
    Sixth Stage — Bearing Adjustment — Engine Mount................489
    PTO Oil Seal — Remove and Install — Engine Mount................493
    Front Housing — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive................494
    Front Housing — Exploded View — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive................496
    Front Housing — Repair................499
    Housing Bore Sleeves — Remove and Install................500
    Front Housing Bearing Cup — Remove and Install................505
    Lube Relief Valve — Remove and Install................506
    Sump Drain Valve — Remove and Install — Remote Mount................508
    Rear Housing — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive................509
    Rear Housing — Exploded View — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive................510
    Rear Housing — Exploded View — Remote Mount................511
    Speed Sensors — Exploded View — Engine Mount................512
    Rear Housing — Exploded View — Engine Mount................513
    Rear Housing — Repair — Engine Mount................515
    Rear Housing Bearing Cup — Remove and Install................516
    Magnetic Sensor Pickup — Remove and Install................518
    Pluget Orifice — Install — Engine Mount................520
    Identification Plate — Location................521
  Group 075: Gears, Bearings, and Shafts................75
    Clutch — Assemble — Direct Drive................535
    Clutch — Disassemble — Direct Drive................548
    Input Shaft (First Stage) and Sixth Stage (Idler Gear) — Remove and Install — Direct Drive................558
    Seventh Stage (Output) Shaft — Disassemble and Assemble — Direct Drive................560
    First Stage Shaft — Exploded View — Engine Mount Direct Drive (8F - 8R)................562
    Second Stage (High / Low Forward) Clutch — Cross-Section — Engine Mount Direct Drive................563
    Second Stage (High / Low Forward) Clutch — Exploded View — Engine Mount Direct Drive................565
    Third Stage (High / Low Reverse) Clutch — Cross-Section — Engine Mount Direct Drive................567
    Third Stage (High / Low Reverse) Clutch — Exploded View — Engine Mount Direct Drive................569
    Fourth Stage (First / Third Speed) Clutch — Cross-Section — Engine Mount Direct Drive................571
    Fourth Stage (First / Third Speed) Clutch — Exploded View — Engine Mount Direct Drive................573
    Fifth Stage (Second / Fourth Speed) Clutch — Cross-Section — Engine Mount Direct Drive................575
    Fifth Stage (Second / Fourth Speed) Clutch — Exploded View — Engine Mount Direct Drive................577
    Sixth Stage — Exploded View — Engine Mount Direct Drive (8F - 8R)................579
    Seventh Stage (Output) Shaft — Exploded View — Engine Mount Direct Drive................581
    First Stage Shaft — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive (8F - 8R)................582
    Second Stage (High / Low Forward) Clutch — Cross-Section — Remote Mount Direct Drive................583
    Second Stage (High / Low Forward) Clutch — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive................585
    Third Stage (High / Low Reverse) Clutch — Cross-Section — Remote Mount Direct Drive................586
    Third Stage (High / Low Reverse) Clutch — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive................588
    Fourth Stage (First / Third Speed) Clutch — Cross-Section — Remote Mount Direct Drive................590
    Fourth Stage (First / Third Speed) Clutch — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive................592
    Fifth Stage (Second / Fourth Speed) Clutch — Cross-Section — Remote Mount Direct Drive................594
    Fifth Stage (Second / Fourth Speed) Clutch — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive................596
    Sixth Stage — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive (8F - 8R)................598
    Seventh Stage (Output) Shaft — Exploded View — Remote Mount Direct Drive................599
    Clutch — Assemble — Torque Converter Drive................600
    Clutch — Disassemble — Torque Converter Drive................613
    Input Shaft (First Stage) and Sixth Stage (Idler Gear) — Disassemble and Assemble — Torque Converter Drive................624
    Seventh Stage (Output Gear) — Disassemble and Assemble — Torque Converter Drive................626
    Input Shaft — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive (6F - 6R) and (6F - 3R)................628
    Second Stage (High / Low Forward) Clutch — Cross-Section — Torque Converter Drive................629
    Second Stage (High / Low Forward) Clutch — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive................631
    Third Stage (High / Low Reverse) Clutch — Cross-Section — Torque Converter Drive................633
    Third Stage (High / Low Reverse) Clutch — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive................635
    Third Stage (Low Reverse) Clutch — Cross-Section — Torque Converter Drive................637
    Third Stage (Low Reverse) Clutch — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive................639
    Fourth Stage (First / Second Speed) Clutch — Cross-Section — Torque Converter Drive................641
    Fourth Stage (First / Second Speed) Clutch — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive................643
    Fourth Stage (First / Third Speed) Clutch — Cross-Section — Torque Converter Drive with Spherical Bearing................645
    Fourth Stage (First / Third Speed) Clutch — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive with Spherical Bearing................647
    Fifth Stage (Third Speed) Clutch — Cross-Section — Torque Converter Drive................649
    Fifth Stage (Third Speed) Clutch — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive................651
    Sixth Stage — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive (6F - 6R) and (6F - 3R)................652
    Seventh Stage (Output Gear) — Exploded View — Torque Converter Drive................653
  Group 080: Drive Plate and Torque Converter................77
    Torque Converter — Remove and Install................658
    Torque Converter Drive Plate — Remove and Install................662
    Torque Converter Cover, Drive Plate, and Impeller Hub — Tightening Sequence................666
    Torque Converter — Exploded View................668
    Torque Converter — Disassemble................670
    Torque Converter — Assemble................681
  Group 085: Torque Converter PTO Housing................77
    Magnetic Speed Sensor Converter PTO — Remove and Install................690
    Hydraulic Lube Hose Auxiliary Pump Port — Remove and Install................692
    Torque Converter PTO — Component Identification................694
    Torque Converter PTO Housing — Exploded View................696
    Torque Converter PTO — Disassemble................698
    Torque Converter PTO — Assemble................705
    Converter PTO Pump Drive — Disassemble................714
    Converter PTO Pump Drive — Assemble................719
  Group 090: Drive Plate and Lockup Torque Converter................77
    Lockup Torque Converter — Remove and Install................732
    Lockup Torque Converter Drive Plate — Remove and Install................736
    Lockup Torque Converter Cover, Drive Plate, and Impeller Hub — Tightening Sequence................740
    Lockup Torque Converter — Exploded View................742
    Lockup Torque Converter — Disassemble................744
    Lockup Torque Converter — Assemble................756
  Group 095: Lockup Torque Converter PTO Housing................78
    Hydraulic Lube Hose, Auxiliary Pump Port — Remove and Install — Lockup Converter................772
    Lockup Torque Converter PTO — Component Identification................773
    Lockup Torque Converter PTO — Exploded View................775
    Lockup Torque Converter PTO — Disassemble................777
    Lockup Torque Converter PTO — Assemble................784
    Lockup Torque Converter PTO Pump Drive — Disassemble................792
    Lockup Torque Converter PTO Pump Drive — Assemble................797
Section 03: Theory of Operation................807
  Group 100: Transmission Operation................811
    Power Train Component Overview................810
    Transmission Operation................811
    Component Identification Remote Mount Direct Drive Transmission 8 Forward / 7 Reverse................812
    Component Identification Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive Transmission 6 Forward / 6 Reverse................814
    Component Identification Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive Transmission 6 Forward / 3 Reverse................816
    Component Identification Engine Mount Direct Drive Transmission 8 Forward / 8 Reverse................818
    Transmission Diagram — Direct Drive Transmission................820
    Transmission Diagram — Torque Converter Drive Transmission................822
    Transmission Diagram — Lockup Torque Converter Drive Transmission................824
    Torque Converter PTO Assembly................826
    Lockup Torque Converter PTO Assembly................828
    Hydraulic System Operation — Direct Drive Transmission................830
    Hydraulic System Operation — Torque Converter Drive Transmission................832
    Hydraulic System Operation — Lockup Torque Converter Drive Transmission................834
    Hydraulic Schematic — G Series Engine Mount................836
    Hydraulic Schematic — H Series Direct Drive Remote Mount................838
    Hydraulic Schematic — H Series with Lockup Torque Converter Remote Mount................840
    Transmission Charge Pump Operation................842
    Transmission Filter Bypass Valve................843
    Transmission Control Valve Port Identification (Remote Mount)................845
    Transmission Control Valve Port Identification (Engine Mount)................847
    Transmission Proportional Solenoid Valves Identification (Remote Mount)................849
    Transmission Proportional Solenoid Valves Identification (Engine Mount)................850
    Transmission Control Valve Operation (Remote Mount)................851
    Transmission Control Valve Operation (Engine Mount)................853
    Control Valve-to-Front Housing Oil Passage Identification (Remote Mount)................855
    Control Valve-to-Front Housing Oil Passage Identification (Engine Mount)................856
    Proportional Solenoid Valve Operation — De-Energized................857
    Main Pressure Regulator Valve Operation................859
    Clutch Actuation................860
    Clutch Engagement — Engine Mount Direct Drive 8 Forward 8 Reverse................861
    Directional Clutch Operation................862
    Speed Clutch Operation................864
    Cylinder Speed Sensor Operation................866
    Gear Selection — Remote Mount Direct Drive 8F/7R Transmission................867
    Clutch and Gear Component Location — Remote Mount Direct Drive 8F/7R Transmission................869
    First Forward — Remote Mount Direct Drive 8F/7R Transmission................871
    First Reverse — Remote Mount Direct Drive 8F/7R Transmission................873
    Gear Selection — Engine Mount Direct Drive 8F/8R Transmission................875
    Clutch and Gear Component Location — Engine Mount Direct Drive 8F/8R Transmission................877
    First Forward — Engine Mount Direct Drive 8F/8R Transmission................880
    First Reverse — Engine Mount Direct Drive 8F/8R Transmission................882
    Gear Selection — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive 6F/6R Transmission................884
    Clutch and Gear Component Location — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive 6F/6R Transmission................886
    First Forward — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive 6F/6R Transmission................888
    First Reverse — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive 6F/6R Transmission................890
    Gear Selection — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive 6F/3R Transmission................892
    Clutch and Gear Component Location — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive 6F/3R Transmission................894
    First Forward — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive 6F/3R Transmission................896
    First Reverse — Remote Mount Torque Converter Drive 6F/3R Transmission................898
    Park Brake Operation................900
    Park Brake Manual Release Operation................904
Section 04: Diagnostics................906
  Group 200: Transmission Diagnostics and Tests................906
    Diagnose Powershift Transmission and Hydraulic Related Malfunctions................915
    Diagnose Park Brake Malfunctions................923
  Group 225: Transmission Tests................906
    Test Port Thread Identification................926
    Transmission Oil Warm-Up Procedure................927
    Transmission Pump Flow Test................928
    Transmission System Pressure Test................930
    Transmission Lube Pressure Test................932
    Transmission Clutch Pressure Test — Remote Mount Direct Drive (8F/7R)................934
    Transmission Clutch Pressure Test — Engine Mount Direct Drive (8F/8R)................937
    Transmission Clutch Pressure Test — Remote Mount Converter Drive (6F/3R)................940
    Transmission Clutch Pressure Test — Remote Mount Converter Drive (6F/6R)................942
    Transmission Cooler Relief Valve Pressure Test — Direct Drive Transmission................945
    Converter Inlet Pressure Test — Torque Converter Drive Transmission................947
    Converter Outlet Pressure Test — Torque Converter Drive Transmission................949
    Converter Pressure Relief Test — Torque Converter Drive Transmission................951
    Converter Outlet Flow Test — Torque Converter Drive Transmission................954
    Converter Stall Speed Test — Torque Converter Drive Transmission................956
    Transmission Oil Cooler Thermal Bypass Valve Test — Torque Converter Drive Transmission................957
    Transmission Oil Cooler Thermal Bypass Relief Valve Test —Torque Converter Drive Transmission................959
    Park Brake Pressure Test................961
    Park Brake Pressure Test — G Series Engine Mount Transmission................963
Section 05: Tools and Other Materials................964
  Group 300: Special Tools................964
    Essential Tools................967
  Group 325: Other Materials................965
    Other Material................1028
Section 06: Specifications................1033
  Group 400: Bolt and Cap Screw Specification................1033
    Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values................1036
    Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values................1038

John Deere DF180 Series Powershift Transmission Repair Service Manual (CTM308)
